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  主 题: 安徽理工大学昝连生副校长为外国语学院2010级新生进行入学教育 已阅:3100 / 回复:1(楼主)

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日期:2010-09-13  信息来源:外国语学院   作者:张学森


作者:085120029 (2010/9/27 21:16:40)   回复此贴
  回复:安徽理工大学昝连生副校长为外国语学院2010.. 第 1 楼

Anyone who wow power leveling has ever been Christmas caroling knows that this one is the mother of all Christmas

songs. I know, because nearly ten years ago I went wow power leveling Christmas caroling with a big

group of friends in wow power leveling our neighborhood. I didn’t realize until that night how

many people might resent the idea of a bunch of strangers ringing their doorbell, swilling their spiked cider, and

gid=1 TARGET=_blank>world of warcraft power leveling treating them to an off-key rendition of “Jingle Bells”, some of them trailing off halfway through because

they’d forgotten the words. It started wow cheap gold dawning on us (after we’d walked and sung for two

hours or more) that perhaps our Christmas gold for wow spirit was one-sided. We stopped in front of a

darkened house and our ringleader, Vee, a fiery Southern-by-birth-and-don’t-you-forget-it matriarch marched up to the door and rang the bell. The door

remained firmly closed world of warcraft power leveling and a disembodied voice said, “Yeesssss?”

作者:XIXI (2010/12/2 12:10:15)   回复此贴
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